• Prizes will be given for six categories
The Star Valley Arts Council is offering a Chalk Art Festival in Thayne, July 26-27. Community members, families and businesses are invited to purchase a sidewalk square at the Thayne Community Center and create something interesting.
“We are so excited to debut this new event and hope it can be an annual festival that can grow in popularity each year,” said Lxi Weber, SVAC Executive Director, in an email to SVI Media. “Chalk Art Festivals are trending throughout the country, and we’re excited to give our community members a space to feel comfortable trying something new.”
To participate, families, individuals and businesses can purchase a square within one of six categories: Categories are:
• Individual under 7
• Individual 8-12
• Individual 13-17
• Individual 18+
• Family
• Business
All art created needs to follow to this year’s theme, which is Heroes & Villains.
Each purchased square will be pre-painted with a black washable base and artists will have two days to complete their square. Any form of sidewalk chalk can be used. For a list of suggested supplies, visit StarValleyArts.org.
Drawing will begin at 9 a.m. on Friday, and art needs to be completed by 6 p.m. on Saturday. That evening, judges will view and award prizes in each category.
Professional chalk artist Nicole Kleinman, @thechalkprincess on Instagram, will be onsite to demonstrate, offer tips, and answer any questions that participants have about techniques, etc. Kleinman’s demonstration is scheduled for 8 a.m. on Friday and is entirely optional for participants. She will also be creating her own square of chalk art during the festival, so she’ll be available to answer questions throughout the event.
Sidewalk squares are color coded according to approximate size and cost. Your square assignment and map will be sent to you by July 22nd. Late registrants will be assigned squares at check-in.
“Please join us,” Weber exclaimed. “If you already have chalk experience, wonderful. If you don’t, wonderful. We have the perfect teacher who will be available during the whole event to answer questions and give guidance.
To register for the festival and purchase your square, visit StarValleyArts.org. If you have questions, please send an email to lxi@starvalleyarts.org.