• Local seriously hurt in rollover accident
On August 15, Kim Choma was driving home on US 89 through the narrows area between Auburn and Thayne when she was involved in a serious rollover accident. According to the Wyoming Highway Patrol, the accident scene was strewn over several hundred feet. The Etna resident and University of Wyoming student suffered serious injuries such as a lacerated liver and facial injuries. Due to the timing of the accident and the location, Choma went unseen for anywhere from five to six hours, according to officials.
Choma underwent significant reconstructive surgery to her jaw as well as other medical care and her friends have organized a GoFundMe account to help with medical bills. There is also a Venmo at Kimberly Choma Benefit as well as an account set up at the Bank of Star Valley under the name Kimberly Choma Benefit.

Amber Titensor, the organizer of the effort, shared an update on Kim’s condition.
“It’s been almost two weeks since Kimberly’s accident. She continues to recover at home and I am happy to report that she is making good progress.
“They were unable to repair her upper jaw during surgery. She had an orthodontist consult to decide the best treatment. Ortho needs to wait to begin treatment until her jaw has healed more and has less movement. She’ll eventually have to have upper and lower braces with bands over many months to help correct the damage. She’s also waiting for a follow up with the ENT surgeon and a consult with a speech therapist. Kimberly’s response to me a couple of days ago when I asked how she was feeling was, ‘super sore, but ready to conquer today.’
“This girl is tough.”
Choma has spent the last two seasons as an equipment manager for the University of Wyoming after performing those duties for the SVHS Football team. The team recently dedicated their annual lift-a-thon to her recovery efforts.
Currently the GoFundMe account has raised $10,975 of a goal of $20,000.
Titensor’s update went on to say, “She’s waiting to see a concussion specialist for evaluation so she can make some realistic decisions about returning to school. She may have mentioned that she’s getting a bit stir crazy! She has been able to be out and about some. She enjoyed a friend’s wedding and got to see SVHS football coaches.”
“Please keep Kimberly in your thoughts and prayers as she continues her recovery.
She and her family acknowledge the many miracles over the last couple of weeks and are grateful for her healing and progress. They’ve also expressed their deep gratitude and appreciation for the love and support being rendered to Kimberly and their family.”