◆ Amidst uncertainty, SV Arts Council is making plans.
Tim Hale, representing the Star Valley Arts Council, visited with SVI radio host, Duke Dance, Wednesday morning to update the community on upcoming events. Hale explained that with Covid there is some uncertainty as to what summer events will look like, but the Arts Council is in the planning stages for the near future.
With the Star Valley Arts Council Christmas concert, featuring Shantay Clark, fast receding in the rear-view mirror, the council is turning its attention to upcoming events. (If you missed the concert but you’re still in the Christmas spirit, or want to rekindle it, you can catch the concert here.)
According to arts council president, Tim Hale, the plan will be to push the remaining events for the year back into May and June, in the hope that with the vaccine coming out, venues will open up more and allow more people to attend––perhaps some can be held outdoors.

Hale confirmed rumors that a Stars in the Valley concert was emerging, Hale mentioned, “We had to abandon Stars in The Valley because we couldn’t get the high school auditorium last December when it was time for the Heart of Christmas program. So instead now we’re planning Stars in the Valley––Spring Fling is what we’re going to call it.”
The concert will be a similar format to Stars in the Valley Christmas concert, but people can volunteer to perform anything they want. It could be a Broadway song, a musician that the participant wants to cover, anything––the council is totally open to it. While a set date hasn’t been established yet, it looks fairly certain it will happen in early to mid-May.
Hale wanted potential performers to know they are welcome. “We are reaching out to the community to invite them to contact us, so if you want to perform something, sing, musical instruments, whatever. Contact us at starvalleyarts@gmail.com. Or you can call me at 307-201-9514 and let us know if you’re interested.”
The Arts Council is already planning several events for the 2021-2022 season: Stars in The Valley Christmas concert, the Star Valley pumpkin walk, which debuted last year––and was very well attended––will be in collaboration with the 4-H group in hopes of making that into an even more outstanding Halloween event. In addition, the council hopes to do a musical in the spring of next year and bring in a number of performing groups.
Hale expressed gratitude for the council’s business sponsors and hoped that as the council reached out to individuals and families that they would be supportive financially as well. Meanwhile, council members will be grant writing over the next several months.
Hale commented, “We have had tremendous support from everybody in the community, not just individuals, but businesses as well, so we’re just very, very grateful.”
Interested performers and donors can find more information on the Star Valley Arts Council web page and on Facebook as well. They can contact Tim Hale at 307-201-9514 or email: starvalleyarts@gmail.com