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Independent Obituaries: December 31, 2024

The following obituaries appeared in the December 31, 2024 edition of the Star Valley Independent.

For more area obituaries, please visit Schwab Mortuary.

For more resources including headstones, please visit the Star Valley Historical Society.


Helen Goodrick

Helen Goodrick

Helen Elaine Jaques Goodrick, aged 80, passed away on December 22, 2024 in Idaho Falls, Idaho. She was born on September 9, 1944 in Collbran, Colorado to Betty Jane Strickland and Wilbur Verl Jaques. Her younger brother, Dale was born seven years later. Living her youth on a farm gave Helen a strong work ethic, self-sufficiency, resilience, and a love of nurturing all living things – with family topping her list.

She attended schools at Mesa and Plateau Valley and graduated Plateau Valley High School in 1962. She received excellent grades, enjoyed her friends, was freshman homecoming queen, and a cheerleader. While working after school at a restaurant in Mesa, she met a road construction worker from Wyoming, Aril Boyd Goodrick, and they became smitten. They were married on May 27, 1962.

They settled in Mesa, Colorado. Lori was born in 1963. The family followed Aril’s road construction work, living in New Mexico, Montana, and Idaho, until settling in Jackson, Wyoming. Their second daughter Holly, was born in 1964, and their last daughter Kelly, in 1967. Helen was able to faithfully travel back to Mesa, Colorado to visit her folks and  continued a close family bond.

While raising her three daughters, Helen sold Avon, waitressed at various restaurants, and managed a trailer park. In 1975, she began working at Jackson Lumber, Inc. as sales and service and estimating. She worked there 38 years, eventually becoming a floor manager.

After the adventures of raising their three daughters, Helen and Aril enjoyed their “empty-nesting” by fishing, camping, traveling, visiting relatives, and boating. In 1990, Helen was blessed with a grandson Kyle in August, and a granddaughter Cassie in September.  Later in 1993, another granddaughter Savanna in November, and a grandson Jacob, in February of 1994. They really enjoyed spending time and spoiling the grandkids.

Helen and Aril moved to Alpine, Wyoming in 1993. They bought a home and built an upholstery shop for Aril. They enjoyed tending the vegetable and flower gardens and grooming the lawn. This became the best family gathering place beside Palisade Lake, and many new family memories were made. Unfortunatly, in 2005, Aril lost his battle to cancer, and passed away. Even after 43 years of marriage, he still lovingly referred to Helen as his “Little Bride.”

Her Mother, Betty Jane, came to live with her in Alpine in 2013, and these became the golden years again with Helen’s retirement. Helen and Betty were the best of friends –  “a hen party,” they would say. They enjoyed visiting with each other and reminiscing about the past. Helen became a great grandma when her grandson Kyle, had a son.

Throughout Helen’s life she remained deeply involved with family, and always had the ability to make anyone smile. She will be greatly missed. A Celebration of Life is planned for the summer of 2025.


Helen is survived by her three daughters, Lori Williams, of Aurora, Colorado; Holly McLain [Troy] of Thayne, Wyoming; Kelly Sharp [Bud] of The Colony, Texas; four grandchildren, Kyle McLain, of Alpine, WY.: Cassie Williams, of Denver, Colorado; Savanna Kingen [Adam] of Castle Rock, Colorado; Jacob Williams, Aurora, Colorado; and one great grandson, Kaleb McLain, of Alpine, Wyoming.

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