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LCSD No. 2 Education Foundation  continues scholarship drive


• Donors offered over $150,000 to 2024 graduates

The Lincoln County School District No. 2 Education Foundation 2025 Community Scholarship Drive is currently underway. Businesses and individuals are invited to build a scholarship and donate funds earmarked for 2025 graduates from Star Valley High School, Cokeville High School and Swift Creek School.

“Every year, we reach out to the community, seeking individuals or business donors who would like to make contributions to our scholarship drive,” said LCSD No. 2 Foundation Chairman Tim Hale in an interview on the SVI Radio Network earlier this month. “These are scholarships that we make available to all graduating seniors across all the schools within the district, so that’s Cokeville High, Star Valley High School and Swift Creek. It’s such an incredible thing to be involved with.”

Donors are welcome to establish specific attributes or accomplishments that students must possess to qualify for any given scholarship, and donors participate in the process of selecting a winning applicant.

“The donor can let us know if they would like any particular requirements connected to the scholarship,” Hale explained, indicating that donors in the past have specified that funds go toward a scholarship for a student who has excelled in the Arts or has “focused on a particular field, or a student that’s pursuing a particular certification or a trade.” Each scholarship can be “tailored to fit those requirements.” Graduating seniors are able to browse the scholarship offerings that fit their qualifications on the foundation website, and make application for those.

With the school district’s focus on educating students, administrators and teachers face limited time for additional programs such as the scholarship drive. “We are an organization that helps to facilitate other goals and things that the school district would like to accomplish, but for whatever reason, they just don’t have the bandwidth or the time or the resources or the funding to make those things happen,” said Hale. “We are always on the lookout and work with the superintendent to identify those opportunities,”  exploring ideas to support and expand on what the district already offers students.

Dale Cunningham and Kim Dockstader, who serve as Co-Directors with the Foundation, are continuing the tradition of offering the community scholarship program that was established many years ago. “They just do an amazing job reaching out to the community, and year after year, the community really steps up in making those donations to help students. It’s just amazing to see that turn out from the donors and the turnout from the students and the enthusiasm that community members exhibit participating in the scholarship program.”

Donations in previous years have been impressive, with community scholarships totaling over $150,000 donated to 2024 graduates.

“It’s incredible what the students are accomplishing in LCSD No. 2,” Hale commented, in reference to the institutional scholarships that students earn in addition to the community scholarships. “Kudos to the superintendent, the teachers, the administrators and all those who make that happen. We are just thrilled to be a part of that!”

The Education Foundation is a registered non-profit organization, so all donations qualify as tax-deductible. To donate, please contact Dockstader at 307-885-4015.

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