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LCSD No. 2 Education Foundation launches Gateway Program


• Incentives offered for staff earning a master’s degree to support concurrent enrollment programs

The Lincoln County School District No. 2 Education Foundation has implemented their new Gateway Program, in which teachers with the district can potentially work to receive their master’s degree with a significant amount of the funding needed to earn the degree coming from the Foundation.

According to Tim Hale, Chairman of the Board with the Foundation, the purpose of the program is to support concurrent enrollment programs at Star Valley High School. Students who enroll in these classes are receiving college credit through Western Wyoming Community College at the same time that they are completing their high school credit. The Foundation would like to eventually be able to offer enough courses that students can earn an Associate’s Degree by the time they graduate from high school.

SVHS administrators are hoping to increase the number of current teachers who qualify to instruct these courses, so as an incentive, the Foundation is offering to support qualifying applicants with the needed funds to complete a master’s degree, which would allow SVHS to supply their own instructors for the Concurrent Enrollment courses.

“We are incentivized to find ways for more Star Valley High School Educators to earn a master’s degree, so that they can provide more and more of those courses,” said Hale in an interview on the SVI Radio Network. “We are actively looking for teachers who are interested in pursuing a master’s degree and we help provide financial funding in order for them to earn that degree, and it’s a significant amount. With our pilot case right now, we are paying for pretty much their entire master’s degree program. What that does for the teacher is it gets them into a higher pay grade and it opens up the door for them to offer those college-level courses.”

The Foundation is seeking teachers and other community members who are interested in accepting this opportunity, particularly individuals who are interesting in pursuing a master’s degree in the sciences and mathematics. “We’re going to help finance that. If you are listening and you’re interested in pursuing that kind of opportunity or you know someone who is, encourage them to get in touch with us.”

To apply for this opportunity or learn more about the Gateway Program, call the Foundation at 307-885-4015 or email

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