• Drawing for $1,000 grocery gift cards and energy credits will be held
Ballots are currently out in the community from Lower Valley Energy (LVE) as the entity is encouraging stakeholders to vote in order to change bylaws. Jim Webb, CEO of LVE spoke with SVI Media to discuss the proposed change to allow each district to elect their own director.
“I encourage people to vote. Every year LVE has an election [and] there are a total of seven districts. All of the members vote for the members of the board but this year we have a special election. We are trying to change one of the bylaws. It is important that people vote so we can get a quorum so that the bylaw can be changed. The board recommends this change.”
Webb explained that stakeholders currently vote across districts. This means that a well-known person in south Star Valley is being voted on by people in Teton County.
“We are trying to change that so you only vote by district,” he said. “We think this is important but we need everybody’s vote to make it happen.”
To help encourage people to complete their vote with LVE, the cooperative is entering voters into a drawing to win one of two $1,000 grocery gift cards, one of two $500 energy credits and one of two $300 energy credits.
There are currently three ways to vote. Send back the ballot which was sent by mail. Vote online at lvenergy.com, or stop by the LVE offices and pick up a ballot.
The LVE annual meeting takes place on June 27. Votes will need to be completed by this date.