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Most Common Fitness Mistakes People Make

Getting in shape is a constant goal for many, but it does require a lot of commitment and persistence. There’s also a ton of information about exercise that you may not know when you first adopt an active lifestyle. Learn about the most common fitness mistakes people make, so you don’t injure yourself as develop healthier habits.

Skipping Leg Day

Squats might be the most intimidating workout you can do, which is why many people tend to just ignore them. Not doing squats or other leg exercises is one of the biggest mistakes you can make in the gym. In fact, squats and deadlifts are some of the best workouts you can do for yourself. Your legs provide stability, and by training them frequently, you can work out your arms, back, and other muscle groups more easily.

Doing Cardio to Lose Weight

Another common belief is that if you do enough cardio, then you will lose weight. Cardio will burn calories, however, changing your diet and incorporating weight training are two other elements you will need to incorporate into your lifestyle to lose weight.

Not Changing Your Routine

Many of use tend to be creatures of habit, which can be bad for our fitness goals. To maintain a healthy lifestyle and physique, you want to change up your gym routine instead of just doing the same thing exercises every time. The best way to go about this is to designate each day to specific muscle groups; for example, dedicate a day to upper body movements and another to lower body exercises.

You’re Worried About How Much You Lift

When you first start to work out, you may think you need to lift a lot of weight in order to become strong and fit. However, this is one of the most common fitness mistakes people make because it can result in injuries. What you should be doing is focusing on your form—this way, you can tone different muscles without hurting yourself.

You Don’t Take Rest Days

A final misconception about fitness is that you need to work out every day to see results and be healthy. The truth is, rest days are incredibly important for your body, so you should be taking at least one each week. Recovery is an overlooked part of working out and will help you avoid any injuries.

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