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TEXT-IN RESPONSES: Does America Need a Military Presence in Outer Space?

President Trump is ordering the Pentagon to start preparing for a Space Force, which would be a branch of the U.S. military.  Trump hosted a meeting of the National Space Council at the White House yesterday.  Trump also insisted that the U.S. must be dominant in Space.

President Trump orders US military to form a "space force" military branch

BREAKING: President Trump orders US military to form a "space force" military branch: "We must have American dominance in space."

Posted by NBC News on Monday, June 18, 2018

During the Weekday Wake-up on the SVI Radio Network Tuesday morning, Duke & Dahl asked listeners what they thought of the president’s plan to create a military “Space Force.”  The question was “Does American need a military presence in outer space?”  Here are their responses.

Agree with creation of Space Force

“There was a time when I thought space travel was a waste of money. But watching the erosion of America’s dominance in the world market I have changed my mind. I’m all for the Space Force.”

“Might as well get a jump on the other world powers! The way the world is progressing within a 100 years who’s to say where the world will be as far as space activities!!”

“I think it could be really good for our country.”

“Bring on the Space Force! This is the best military recruitment idea I have ever heard! Who doesn’t want to grow up and be a space soldier? Thank you Hollywood for that!”

“Yes, technology is growing everyday. We need to put it to good use.”

Disagree with creation of Space Force

“Space force come on give me a break.”

“I have always been a great supporter of space exploration. I have some concerns about militarization of space. The US Air Force has been doing a pretty good job so far with a good balance with civilian use, so I’m not sold.”

“Unless they are getting ready for a space invasion I don’t think a space force is necessary.”

Let us know what you think!
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