• Chad Merritt gives his third performance as Uncle John
Salt River Community Theater is offering their third annual presentation of Michael McLean’s beloved musical, “The Forgotten Carols,” in Afton’s historic Ford Theatre this week, December 12-14, at 7 p.m.
Guests will enjoy the telling of Christ’s birth through story and song as recounted by Uncle John to Constance, a woman who has lost hope and faith in herself and the world. Uncle John’s account opens her eyes to what she and so many others have forgotten about Christmas, restoring joy to her aching heart through the tenderness and glory found in the story of the Nativity.
“‘Forgotten Carols’ has a special place in my heart,” said show director Jaclyn Lechner in an email to SVI Media last week. “It has been an enjoyable part of my Christmas Season. The songs are beautiful and meaningful in a script that is whimsical but also impactful.”
Chad Merrit returns for his third production as Uncle John, with newcomer, Jessica Rasmussen playing Constance (Connie Lou). Luke Lorimer is taking the role of Dr. Halifax, while Megan Rose, Ruth Mavy and Daniel Lechner all tackle portrayal of multiple characters.
“I hope you come and celebrate the reason for the season with us,” Lechner concluded.
Tickets are available at the door or can be purchased at saltriverarts.com