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Two-vehicle collision near Ames Hill results in no major injuries

At approximately 4:30 p.m. on Wednesday afternoon, a call for emergency services was made for an accident near Ames Hill between Alpine and Etna. 

The accident took place near mile marker 114.

According to information provided by the Wyoming Highway Patrol, a Toyota Sienna van was headed northbound toward Alpine as a single cow elk was making its way across US 89. Despite the warning of other drivers in the form of horns and lights, the driver of the van responded late to the animal and reacted by braking hard and turning the wheel, skidding the vehicle into the southbound lane where it “t-boned” a black Honda Pilot. 

The WHP stated that no major injuries were reported although the driver of the SUV complained of back pain. All parties refused medical treatment and transfer. 

Although the roads in this instance were dry, Trooper Chad Ludwig encourages drivers to be vigilant with road conditions and animals. 

“We need to remember that this time of year, wildlife is pushed down and they end up in places near subdivisions and driveways and plowed areas of travel, “ he said. “They are using those areas as a way to avoid going belly-deep in the snow as a route of travel so we would ask drivers to continue to drive defensively and look out for wildlife. Of course ice and snow also can crop up and create additional slick spots as well.”

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