• New member brings experience to the projects
The Greys River Collaborative is welcoming the experience of Brett Story, a resident of Star Valley with a background in forest restoration work.
Story advised in an interview for the SVI Media Weekday Wake-Up program the collaborative work will continue working on timber sales while seeking opportunities with forest restoration and assisting wildlife populations.
Story explained that forest restoration work could be coordinated with the Salt River Watershed improvements.
He noted the waste material from the forest work can be used for restoration projects on the river.
Story asked for patience as the projects are further developed.
“We’re trying to walk this year, so we can run in the future, but we’ll start small,” he said.
In recent years, the collaborative has coordinated a small timber sale in addition to road improvements in the upper Greys River.
The timber sale includes a 250-acre site in the Tri Basin area. The sale is also designed to improve small roads in the region and fisheries in the upper Greys River region.
In addition, the Collaborative has started work on a Grover Park master plan.
The Grover Park improvements would include camp site restoration, vaulted toilets and trail improvements for both motorized and non-motorized use.