• Burton qualifies for nationals
The SVHS Speech and Debate Team concluded their season last weekend in Cheyenne at the State Speech and Debate Tournament. Cooper Daniel and Marie Bateman qualified as state semifinalists during the three-day state event, with no other team members emerging as finalists at state.
Two weeks ago, the team competed in the nationals qualifier, in which Fennec Burton qualified for nationals in Congressional Debate and as an alternate in Drama. Aisley Ivie also finished as a semifinalist at the qualifier.
“Our team theme for the year is ‘Skills that last forever,’” said SVHS Speech and Debate Coach Katie Roberts in a text to SVI Media Monday. “These skills do last forever and even in just this year, the growth, confidence, and command of speaking I have seen in my amazing team blows me away. I’m just so proud of each of them. Team unity this year goes beyond cheering and crying with each other. It could power optimism for the future of our country.”
The team is grateful for support from administrators Rob Erickson and Josh Frazier who attended State to watch and encourage them. Holli Scherbel also accompanied, serving as a chaperone and judge.
“It was three full days of performance,” said Roberts. “Maybe not everybody realizes what this takes, but it is very grueling.” Senior and first year competitor Shaylah Frazier exclaimed, “Holy Cow! This is not an activity! This is a SPORT! It takes a lot to do this!”