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Bridger-Teton National Forest Begin Prescribed Fires on Star Valley Front

The following is a news release from the Bridger-Teton National Forest – 

• Favorable weather conditions in place for fuels reduction work

Afton,Wyo., March 20, 2025— The Bridger-Teton National Forest is planning prescribed fire operations this month and into April. We estimate this work to continue through the spring as weather conditions allow. We use prescribed fires to help reduce overgrown vegetation to help protect local communities, infrastructure and natural resources from wildfires.

The Greys River Ranger District of the Bridger-Teton National Forest plans to implement up to 2,500 acres Prescribed Burn in Unit 2. Unit 2 is within the Star Valley Front Vegetation Restoration Project. Star Valley Front, Unit 2 is comprised of the southwest facing slopes visible from Afton and Grover. Unit 2 also includes south facing slopes in the Swift Creek Drainage which is an important watershed for the community of Afton. Reducing fuel loading on the landscape can decrease the extent and severity of future wildfire. This provides for both Firefighter safety and for resource protection.

Another important purpose is to improve the vigor of vegetation on mule deer and elk winter and transition range, which is particularly relevant given the great interest in deer and elk populations in the Star Valley area.

There may be temporary trail and road closures periodically during the day as equipment and firefighters are working in the area. Watch for warning signs along roads near all prescribed fire areas before and during burns.

Residents can expect smokey conditions the day of the burn and into the overnight hours. Some smoke may exist the following day but should dissipate considerably thereafter. Go to to find more detailed information about air quality.

We will evaluate weather conditions in the hours before a burn begins. If conditions warrant, scheduled prescribed fire activities may be canceled. Firefighters will use the snow as a hold feature to prevent fire spread outside the unit.

Stay informed about the scheduled prescribed fires through the forest website, social media channels, and InciWeb, the interagency incident information system. We will notify county emergency management officials when burning begins.

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