“Wyoming Women” will be the theme of the Wyoming Republican Party’s 2018 convention to be held in Laramie on April 19, 20 and 21, 2018.

“It is fitting to honor the Wyoming women who have shaped our great state at the Wyoming Republican Convention,” said Republican National Committeewoman Marti Halverson. “Given the 150th anniversary of women’s suffrage is in 2019, it is particularly appropriate that we are holding our convention in Laramie, where Eliza Swain was the first woman to vote in a general election.”
Halverson lives in Star Valley and represents House District 22.
On Dec. 10, 1869, the Territorial legislature passed and Governor John A. Campbell signed a bill granting women the right to vote in the Territory of Wyoming. The day is recognized as “Wyoming Day” in the state.
Chairman Frank Eathorne said plans for the 2018 convention include highlighting women, both past and present, who have had a positive impact on Wyoming. Eathorne said, “We are fortunate to have Congressman Liz Cheney, State Auditor Cynthia Cloud, and State Superintendent of Public Instruction Jillian Balow filling three of our state-wide elected offices. We look forward to hearing from them and from other Republican women who do so much to make our party and our state strong.”
“Wyoming, and Laramie specifically, have historically been at the forefront of ensuring not just women’s suffrage, but also the much broader issue of women’s rights,” said Albany County GOP Chairman Ben McKay. “It is truly fitting that the 2018 Convention will be held in Laramie to honor the women of our great state.”
The Republican Party looks forward to working with all of the delegates from throughout Wyoming to build on our platform which elevates all people as endowed as equals in life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
Some 500 delegates and almost as many alternates will convene at the University of Wyoming Conference Center, on Saturday April 21, 2018, for pomp, ceremony, and serious business. Related events will occur the Thursday and Friday before. Saturday after the convention, the business of the party done, the GOP will relax with a banquet and special speakers.
For more information about the convention, call the Wyoming Republican Party state headquarters at 307-234-9166 or go to http://www.wyoming.gop/2018_wyoming_republican_party_convention. To get involved with the Wyoming GOP, contact your county party.
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