Lincoln County School District No. 2 Supt. Alan Allred announced his retirement at the end of June.
The announcement came in a letter to school district employees Saturday afternoon.

In part, the letter stated, “It is with mixed emotions that I announce my decision to retire at the end of June, 2018. This noble profession of ours has been my life for 41 years. Through these 4 decades, I have come to realize just how important each educator is in the lives, so many lives, of others. The significant impact each of you has on children and your fellow colleagues makes this district the great place to learn and work that it is today. What I will miss most is the association I have had with some of the finest educators in the world, you! Your example has made me want to be a better educator and a better person. Yes, I will truly miss working with each one of you.”
SVI will carry additional information on the superintendent’s retirement in, KRSV Radio and the Star Valley Independent in the coming days.
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