◆ Changes made in hopes of making the festivities a school-wide event.

Star Valley High School’s Homecoming festivities will feature some changes this year.
The Homecoming Parade will take place at 6 p.m. on Thursday, October 3, followed immediately by the Powderpuff Football Game and then the Burning of the Dummy.
“We have always struggled with trying to get our football and other sports teams involved during the parade,” said Rob Erickson, SVHS Assistant Principal and Athletic Director. “Usually, they have a practice going on during that time. Moving the parade to Thursday evening will allow every school organization to be a part of the homecoming parade.”
The football team is excited about the change. They will now be able to participate in the parade as a team.
For the first time ever, the SVHS golf team, Brave Cadettes, Cheer Squad, and the volleyball team will all have floats in the parade.
According to Erickson, an evening parade will also allow for more businesses throughout the Valley to be involved.
“Before, everyone was still in practices during the parade,” said Erickson. “I’m pretty excited about the parade this year. It’s going to double in size with participation from school organizations. In addition to all our other organizations, every athletics organization that is currently in season will have a chance to be in it. We have never done that before. It’s going to be fun.”
“If the crowd will follow the parade from the fairgrounds to the school, they will see the Powderpuff Football Game and the Burning of the Dummy,” added Erickson. “This year, we also have the Marching Band performing their state routine during half-time of the Powderpuff Game.”
A second focus of the week’s schedule is increased time for organizations to build a float for the parade. Each day, students will have time specifically set aside for float decorating.
“Over the last few years with float decorating, we have seen a real decline in student participation,” said Jason Horsley, SVHS Principal. “When I was in school, it seemed to be the thing to do. You would leave school and go decorate floats all night and have fun, but now it’s just the select officers from each grade that are part of the entire process. I think part of the reason that the change was made last year when this plan was put in place was to try to get more students to participate in the float building. We are trying to increase student involvement.”

According to information provided by Star Valley High School, the new Homecoming events calendar also allows for a more efficient schedule on the day of the Homecoming Game. Transportation and release of students for the game will be more organized with more stream-lined procedures. Accountability for students will be more manageable for the Administration and Transportation Department.
Students will be released from school early on Friday. SVHS will release students at 1:05 p.m. and SVMS will release Lower Valley students at 1:15 p.m. and Upper Valley students at 1:40 p.m.
The Bank of Star Valley will host their annual Homecoming Tailgate Party at 2 p.m. The Braves will kickoff against the Powell Panthers at 3 p.m. on Friday, October 4.
“We have involved every activity that we can as much as we can,” said Erickson, encouraging community participation. “We are trying to make it a school-wide event. Come to the Powderpuff game and watch our Marching Band do their state routine. It’s all laid out there for the community to enjoy.”