◆ Board is made of up 12 directors from around the country.
This week the NTCA-Rural Broadband Association announced the election of Silver Star CEO/Chairman Allen Hoopes as its board chairman.
NTCA represents nearly 850 independent, community-based telecommunications companies that are leading technological innovation in the rural and small town communities they serve.
“I am pleased and honored to have been elected as board chairman in support of NTCA’s efforts to help influence decisions in our capital,” said Allen Hoopes. “As the NTCA is the voice for rural broadband providers, we need to be a continuous advocate on behalf of all rural communications providers.”
The NTCA board is made of up of 12 directors from all regions of the country. NTCA represents its members on policy and regulatory issues in Washington, D.C. and provides training and development; publications and industry events; and an array of employee benefit programs.
“Our board of directors is unified in our efforts to ensure that rural America is not left behind when it comes to innovation and technology advancement,” said Hoopes.