◆ Angel tags available for pick up at Bank of Star Valley.

The Bank of Star Valley is once again hosting the Angel Tree program. And, a few angels still need to be adopted for the holiday season.
For those individuals and families looking to adopt an angel this year for Christmas, Angel Tree Tags are available for pick up at the Bank of Star Valley locations.
“Each tag will indicate the age, gender and a gift suggestion for an individual,” Brook Merritt of the Bank of Star Valley said. “Return the gift as soon as possible, but no later then December 18 to the Bank of Star Valley.”
According to information from the Bank of Star Valley The Angel Tree Gifts will be available for pick up on Saturday, December 21 from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. at the Lincoln County Fairgrounds.
The Feed the Angels Community Food Drive is also underway. The food drive will continue through December 20.
Donated food items can be dropped off at the Bank of Star Valley locations as well as Broulims, Valley Market and Alpine Market.
“You can also donate money to the Feed the Angels program by visiting any Bank of Star Valley location,” said Merritt. “The Bank of Star Valley will match up to $2,000 in donations.”
All cash and food donations will go directly to the three food banks in Star Valley.
“With your help we can feed the angels in Star Valley,” said Merritt.
For more information on the Angel Tree Program of the Feed the Angels community food drive, contact Brook Merritt or Anji Taylor at the Bank of Star Valley by calling (307) 885-0000.