◆ Dr. Kim Dale will be in Star Valley on January 15.

Western Wyoming Community College’s new President, Dr. Kim Dale, will meet with community members on Wednesday, January 15 from 6-7 p.m. at the Lincoln County School District 2 Administration Building.
The Western President Listening Sessions provide the public an opportunity to meet with Dr. Dale and discuss important, relevant matters unique to the Star Valley area.
The goal of the Listening Session is to help the College best serve the community.
“I’m looking forward to visiting beautiful Star Valley and meeting with community members to discuss their needs, and learn what we can do to ensure that we meet those needs,” stated Dr. Dale. “It is important to me, to connect with people in Star Valley and the surrounding area to cultivate our long-standing relationships and partnerships. I hope to hear people’s ideas on what we can do to build a brighter future.”
Dr. Dale strives to build open communication with the people in the communities Western serves. Connect with Dr. Dale through Twitter @WesternPrez or email her at kimberly.dale@westernwyoming.edu.
The event is free and open to the public. Light snacks and refreshments will be provided by Western Wyoming Community College Star Valley Outreach.
To learn more about the Star Valley Western President Listening Session, contact Yvonne Putnam at yputnam@westernwyoming.edu.