◆ Next training session set to begin in April.

Climb Wyoming is working to place recent graduates of their Professional Office Careers training.
“We provide career training and job placement for low-income, single moms in Teton, Lincoln and Sublette counties,” said Christy Thomas, area assistant program director for Climb.
The Professional Office Careers Training included: Microsoft Office, QuickBooks and basic bookkeeping, as well as general career and workplace readiness.
“We have several women from Star Valley that would like to work locally,” said Thomas.
According to Thomas, partnering with Climb Wyoming provides “both the employer and employee support during the settling in period, for sustained success.”
“You’ll be part of changing a family’s future in your community,” she said.
Contact Climb Wyoming to learn about becoming an employer partner by calling (307) 733-4088 or emailing teton@climbwyoming.org.
Climb Wyoming is also planning the next training session, Thomas said.
“Our next career training for single mothers begins in April,” she explained. “This training will be a Medical Careers Training. It will prepare participants for a variety of in-demand administrative and patient-care positions in hospitals, medical clinics, offices and more. Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) testing and licensing is included.”
Women interested in taking part in the upcoming Climb training can contact Climb Wyoming at (307) 733-4088 and visit www.climbready.org to learn more.
“Our Information Session is also a great way to learn about the program,” Thomas added.
Climb Wyoming will host a program information in Star Valley on Wednesday, March 4 from 1-2 p.m. in the Star Valley Community Center in Etna.