◆ Local communications company makes 60-day pledge.
Silver Star Communications is gearing up to continue to meet community needs amid growing health concerns.
Monday, March 16 the local company issued the following statement.

“We hope this message finds you healthy and safe. With all the events and concern about the COVID-19 pandemic, we wanted to let you know how Silver Star is responding to the communities we serve. We are committed to the wellbeing of our customers, our employees and our communities.”
“Our priority is the health and safety of our customers and employees. We are adjusting our policies and procedures to enable and encourage employees who are sick to stay home. We are increasing the frequency and rigor of cleaning and disinfecting in all our stores, offices and operations environments.”
“We are encouraging our staff to maintain social distance from each other and customers as much as possible, and of course, to wash their hands frequently. Our goal is to keep all our employees healthy and working to best service your needs.”
“We have temporarily postponed meetings and events that would attract large crowds or require travel. All our stores are open, and we are continuing with normal business until circumstances advise us to do otherwise.”
“However, as a precautionary measure, we encourage our customers to connect with us using remote means. Feel free to call us at (877) 883-2411, visit our website at SilverStar.com and fill out the Contact Form, or talk with us through our chat function on the website.”
“We recognize that many people will be relying more than ever before on our broadband services to keep connected to important public health information, work, school and their loved ones. We have taken the FCC’s Keep Americans Connected Pledge which reads as follows:”
“Given the coronavirus pandemic and its impact on American society, Silver Star Communications pledges for the next 60 days to:
• Not terminate service to any residential or small business customers because of their inability to pay their bills due to the disruptions caused by the coronavirus pandemic.
• Waive any late fees that any residential or small business customers incur because of their economic circumstances related to the coronavirus pandemic; and
• Open Wi-Fi hotspots to any American who needs them.”
“As we have committed to this pledge, we have received some inquiries regarding internet access and Wi-Fi hotspots,” said Eric Gewiss, director of marketing at Silver Star. “As it stands, Silver Star public Wi-Fi access is limited to the Lincoln County Fairgrounds in Afton. While this is usually paid Wi-Fi access, we have removed the payment functionally and we are not requiring a password. You can have free access at the fairgrounds by joining the Silver_Star_Wi-Fi. There is currently no other Silver Star public Wi-Fi access in place.”
“As the Coronavirus situation continues to evolve, we rely on health and safety information from experts to ensure the decisions we make are consistent with local community, state, and federal standards,” Gewiss said.
According to Silver Star Chairman and CEO Allen Hoopes, staying connected during challenging times is key to community wellness.
“Silver Star’s Vision of ‘A World Where Everyone is Connected’ could not be more relevant to the situation we all find ourselves in,” said Hoopes. “We are truly in this together. We plan on continuing to serve our customers through innovative uses of technology at this time – look for more information from us in the days ahead as the situation unfolds.”