Area cowboys and cowgirls as well as rodeo fans will be disappointed to hear that the 2020 College National Finals Rodeo which was scheduled to take place in Casper, Wyoming from June 14-20 has been canceled.
“It is with very heavy hearts that the NIRA and the CNFR Committee announce the cancellation of the 2020 College National Finals Rodeo, June 14th – 20th,” the organization stated in a release to the media as well as posted online. “As everyone involved with this event can testify, this is not the outcome we were hoping for, but public safety during the COVID-19 Pandemic is our most important concern.”
More than 400 rodeo athletes from over 100 universities were scheduled to compete in the Oil City this summer but the event is the latest public gathering to be wiped from the schedule over concerns and spread of the virus which to date has over 200 positive tests and over 60 recoveries in Wyoming.
“We know that every student athlete, coach, school administrator, parent, and fan, grieves the loss of this special event. This is devastating for all of us, but mostly for the NIRA athletes. We share your grief. This is unprecedented. May we all heal, extend grace, and recover to a better world. We are all in this together and are praying for our rodeo families.”
NIRA Commissioner Roger Walters said, “We are devastated to be making this announcement. We wanted to be competing in Casper this summer, but we have to do the right thing to combat this Pandemic and keep our contestants and the State of Wyoming safe.”
More information can be found at the NIRA website.