◆ Hopefuls are down to final days to submit an entry.

The 2020 Fall River Propane Swift Idol audition window is rapidly closing. Auditions opened on Friday, May 1 and will close at 11:59 p.m. on Monday, May 25. Up for grabs is a $10,000 prize.
“Our goal for the last couple of years was to get to a $10,000 cash award for Swift Idol,” said Duke Dance of SVI Media. “We were able to make that happen this year. With a $10,000 award we are now the premier voice competition in the region.”
Details about the competition and how to submit an audition are available on the Swift Idol website (swiftidol. com).
“Every single one of our past Swift Idol winners auditioned with the idea that they were not going to be the winners,” said Dance. “And they won. So don’t miss the chance to audition because you don’t think you will win. This competition is open to anyone who would like to audition for it. We want people to take this chance and audition. You never know what could happen.”
The 2020 competition will take place on Monday, August 3, 2020. Alex Boyé will return to help judge the competition. He will also be performing on August 3.

“Don’t threaten me with a good time!” Boyé said of the chance to return to Star Valley and be a part of Swift Idol. “I had so much fun last time. I was like, yeah, we’ve got to do this again.”
According to Dance, the 2020 auditions and competition will follow the same format as last year.
“People will upload their audio files to swiftidol.com. Those auditions are given a number. Our selection team listens to each audition and decides the top performers. We notify those individuals and invite them to be a part of the 2020 competition.”
For more information about the 2020 Fall River Propane Swift Idol, visit swiftidol.com.