IDAHO FALLS, Id – The Caribou-Targhee National Forest will start selling firewood permits for personal use beginning June 1, 2020. To enhance public and employee safety during the COVID-19 pandemic, local ranger district offices will sell firewood and forest product permits over the phone and through the mail. These options are available using a credit or debit card, check, or money order.
Cash payments are not available for phone or mail-in options. Some offices will have curbside permit distribution for same-day delivery, please call ahead to verify. Firewood permits are also available at participating vendor locations. A list of vendors can be found on our website at www.fs.usda.gov/ctnf.
We strongly encourage the public to obtain their firewood permit by phone, mail or through a participating vendor.
When paying with a debit or credit card, the permit will be mailed to you the following business day. Please plan ahead, allowing time to receive your permit by mail prior to collecting forest products. With your firewood permit purchase, you will receive the permit, tags, the Caribou-Targhee NF terms and conditions handout, and a ranger district firewood map to help you locate firewood in the appropriate area.
“Firewood is an important commodity for many individuals in Idaho,” said Tom Silvey, Caribou-Targhee National Forest Timber Program Manager. “We’ve been looking at various options to keep staff and public safe while maintaining our customer service. We believe issuing permits over the phone provides a great option that meets public policy direction without greatly impacting our customers.” Firewood may be purchased for $6.25 a cord with a minimum purchase of four cords. The minimum cost of a firewood permit is $25. Additional cords may be purchased for $6.25 a cord, up to a maximum of 8 cords per household.
Other forest products, including transplant permits and post and pole permits will be available at this time as well. Please contact your local ranger district for availability. Permits are valid until November 30, 2020, and must be in possession while collecting forest products, with tags visible at the time of transport. When gathering firewood, permits allow for the harvest of down or standing dead wood only. It is important to use firewood from local sources to prevent the spread of invasive species. Firewood availability may be limited due to the decline of insect and disease activity and other naturally occurring factors that create dead trees for firewood. Less traveled roads may be more likely to have firewood available.
Expect to travel further and search more than in past years. Not all lands on the National Forests are open to firewood cutting. Please consult the firewood map to be sure you are in an area where cutting is permitted. Not all land within the forest boundary is publicly owned. It is your responsibility to be certain you are not trespassing on private land. Cutting information and maps are available on the Forest website at http://www.fs.usda.gov/detail/ctnf/passes-permits/forestproducts/
National Forests across the nation have been providing a substantial amount of firewood for the public since the 1970s, which has continued to grow as more households in America are adopting practices to reduce energy and fossil fuel consumption. Selling firewood permits also aids in fire prevention by removing burnable material from the forest floor.
Please call your local ranger district office for additional options to pay for and obtain firewood permits:
Dubois RD – Dubois, ID, 208-374-5422 or 208-313-7812
Ashton/Island Park RD – Island Park, ID, 208-558-7301 Ashton/Island Park RD – Ashton, ID, 208-652-7442
Teton Basin RD – Driggs, ID, 208-354-2312
Palisades RD – Idaho Falls, ID, 208-523-1412
Westside RD – Pocatello, ID, 208-236-7500
Soda Springs RD – Soda Springs, ID, 208-547-4356 Montpelier RD – Montpelier, ID, 208-847-0375