What do you do if you can’t find the children’s book you are looking for? If you are one former Star Valley mom, you write it yourself.
Mykell Wilson (Thompson) comes from a wrestling family. Her three younger brothers have competed in the sport all the way to the junior college level. Her father, Randy Thompson, has been involved in club wrestling for several years as well. It is no surprise then that her young son, Emmett, has already found a love of the sport.
“Emmett has hand-me-down singlets and headgear, and he loves watching his uncles and gets really excited about it,” Wilson said.
To foster that interest, Wilson wanted to give him a book about wrestling. But she was only able to find MMA or Mexican professional wrestling-centered books, and few were suited for a four-year-old. That is where Wilson’s book I Can Be a Wrestler began.
“I decided to write one for him since I couldn’t find one to give to him,” Wilson said.
The 28-page children’s book follows a little boy as he learns the basics of wrestling, such as what to wear and how long periods are. The book then depicts the main character in his first match, where he learns more universal skills like kindness and sportsmanship. It is an easy, rhyming book geared toward young children.

The main character is designed to look like Wilson’s four-year-old son. She teamed up with her friend and illustrator, Hailey Buhler, to bring the words to life. The book also depicts two other characters, a girl and an African American child. Showing diversity in the sport was important to Wilson.
“Part of the message with kindness is that we are aware and we include everybody as well, so it’s not limiting anybody out of wrestling,” Wilson said.
I Can Be a Wrestler was published through Amazon publishing services. The book is printed on demand and costs nine dollars. However, most of the money earned goes toward printing costs. This is not an issue for Wilson, though, who emphasized that the book was never meant to make her money.
“I was just doing this for my son, I wasn’t trying to make a lot of money or anything,” Wilson said.
Despite her humility, Wilson said she has felt a lot of support from the valley and beyond.
“I love Star Valley and how supporting everybody is for anybody’s cause. I’ve really appreciated a lot of family and friends that are like, ‘oh I bought the book and my kids love it!’” Wilson said.
The book has even found an international audience. Wilson says her aunt in Canada told her of a friend who had called to ask about the book.
“His mom had bought the book and was reading to them, and they’re in Calgary, Canada,” Wilson said. “I don’t know how they heard of it but that’s awesome.”
Wilson does not plan on shifting away from her photography business to become an author, but she is open to writing a book for her daughter in the future. Her target audience has been plenty receptive according to Wilson. When asked if I Can Be a Wrestler is his favorite book, young Emmett Wilson responded with a squeaky but enthusiastic “yes!”
I Can Be a Wrestler can be found on Amazon.