◆ 5th Grade students gathered to learn about safe living with equipment, tools and recreation.

Simplot, in collaboration with Lincoln County School District No. 2, invited 5th grade students from throughout the district to the Lincoln County Fairgrounds on Tuesday, September 6 for their Second Annual Safety Day.
Safety Day is an educational event where Simplot employees and community volunteers share with students guidelines for safely participating a various life activities.
Groups of students moved through several stations where they learned about how equipment and natural resources can support our society, and how they can be dangerous, and what precautions must be taken to have them safely serve us in our daily living.
Stations covered information about Water Safety, Fire Safety, Winter Recreation Safety, such as skiing and snowmobiling, Summer Recreation Safety, such as motorcycle and ATV operation, Farm Equipment Safety, Electrical Safety and other important topics.
Star Valley FFA chapter members hosted the 5th graders and served as guides throughout the day, distributing sack lunches and connecting groups with their presenters.