◆ Programs are scheduled throughout the day on Thursday, November 10.
Schools in Lincoln County School District No. 2 are celebrating Veterans Day on Thursday, November 10, because school is not in session on Veteran’s Day, Friday, November 11.
Dr. Lori Schieffer, Talent Developer for LCSD No. 2, shared the district’s plans to honor veterans in buildings throughout the district in an interview with Duke Dance on the SVI Radio Network Weekday Wake Up on October 25.
“We are super honored to be able to offer some celebrations for our veterans,” said Schieffer. “Friday the 11th is actually a day off for the school district, so we will be doing our celebrations on Thursday, November 10. This is such a great opportunity to honor our veterans and at the same time, bring our community together and help teach our students about the importance of this federal holiday. Great things are planned at each school.”
Because veterans live throughout the valley, school administrators have created a schedule that will hopefully allow veterans and community members to attend several celebrations on Thursday, as each school is presenting something different from the others.
SVHS is starting the celebrations at 8:05 a.m. on November 10 with musical numbers and veteran speakers. Several staff members at the school are veterans and are scheduled to speak to the students.
Osmond Elementary School’s celebration begins at 9:15 a.m. They have invited Lt. Colonel Campbell and Naval Chief Petty Officer Shumaker to conduct a ceremony and speak to the students. Veterans in the audience will be honored at that time. Beginning at 10:30 a.m., Afton Elementary also has guest speaker Officer Shumaker. The students will sing and select students will perform.
SVMS will honor veterans with a short video and a guest speaker at 1:15 p.m. SCHS has invited the VFW to the school to answer questions and talk with the students about their experiences beginning at 12:30 p.m.
Thayne Elementary will be singing patriotic songs, displaying artwork end enjoying a guest speaker beginning at 9:30 a.m.
Etna Elementary begins their celebration at 10:30 with presentations of appreciation for veterans and giving veterans an opportunity to share stories about their experiences.
Schieffer says that parents, community members and children of all ages are invited to attend all of the celebrations. “We want to pack our gyms and theaters. We want the entire community to come out. We want to stand together and celebrate this important day and help our students understand what it means to serve.”
Veterans are encouraged to attend as many of these celebrations as they can.
Many of the schools will ask them to stand to be honored for their service and their sacrifice. “It’s a great opportunity for our students to see the veterans in our community and see how many there are and to celebrate their sacrifice.”
“Any time we can bring our community together and bring them into our schools, that’s just an opportunity for our community to grow stronger. We have some wonderful things planned. We really encourage everyone to come together and take this chance to honor our veterans and to celebrate our community and grow closer together.”