Lakewood, Colorado, November 29, 2022 – The Greater Rocky Mountain Resource Advisory Committee (RAC) is soliciting proposals for Title II projects to be implemented in fiscal year 2023. Project proposals will be accepted from December 1, 2022, through February 17, 2023. Funding will be provided through the Secure Rural Schools and Community Self-Determination Act, which provides payments to counties as compensation for the loss of tax income associated with federal land within their boundaries.
By law, Title II projects must provide direct or indirect benefits to natural resources on National Forest lands. The proposed projects should aim to enhance forest ecosystems, improve water quality, or improve existing infrastructure within Colorado and Wyoming, except for Black Hills National Forest, which falls under a separate RAC. Previous projects have accomplished watershed restoration, stream stabilization, invasive plant treatments, native plant reestablishment, wildlife and fish habitat improvements, enhanced soil productivity, and road maintenance.
Individuals and organizations are encouraged to submit project proposals as early as possible. It is the responsibility of the proponent to coordinate with Forest Service staff and partner agencies to ensure that the proposal is complete and meets the intent of the Secure Rural Schools and Community Self Determination Act. The proposals must also be pre-approved by the district ranger or forest supervisor where the project resides before being submitted. Project applications and instructions on how to submit a proposal are available online at the Greater Rocky Mountain RAC website.
The Greater Rocky Mountain RAC, which represents a wide variety of citizen interests, will review all proposals, and recommend projects for funding. Proponents will be notified of the RAC meeting schedule and are encouraged to attend the meetings, which are open to the public, to answer questions about their projects. Additional information about the Secure Rural Schools Act can be found at www.fs.usda.gov/main/pts/home. Questions can be directed to Nicole Hutt, Greater Rocky Mountain Resource Advisory Committee Coordinator, at nicole.hutt@usda.gov.