The University of Wyoming Extension will offer private pesticide applicator education programs across the state this March.
These two- to four-hour educational sessions provide an overview of certification requirements for private applicators, pertinent laws and regulations, pesticide safety and handling, groundwater contamination, pesticide disposal, and more.
Upon completion of an educational session, applications for private applicator licenses will be submitted to the Wyoming Department of Agriculture for approval and issuance of licenses. Private pesticide applicator licenses are required for anyone who applies or supervises the application of Restricted Use Pesticides (RUPs).
Dates, locations and contacts for spring 2023 education programs are listed below. Details are also available at https://bit.ly/wy-psep-private.
Contact UW Extension Pesticide Safety Education Program Coordinator Jeff Edwards at jedward4@uwyo.edu or (307) 837-2956 with questions.
Albany County
March 1, 1-5 p.m.
Albany County Fairgrounds, Activity Building
3520 South 3rd St., Laramie
Contact: Brian Sebade, (307) 721-2571