“Building the Next Generation of Hunters” – Second Annual Youth Hunter Education Challenge of Star Valley

A total of 45 youth came to Grover Park on June 16 and 17 with 25-30 volunteers attending the two-day Youth Hunter Education Challenge (YHEC). The NRA explains YHEC:
“NRA’s Youth Hunter Education Challenge (YHEC) provides a fun environment for kids 18 and under to improve their hunting, marksmanship and safety skills. Through its simulated hunting situations, live fire exercises, educational and responsibility events, YHEC helps build upon skills learned in basic hunter education courses and encourages safer, lifelong hunting habits.
From rifle, bow and muzzle-loader shooting at life-sized targets, to wildlife identification, map and compass orienteering and more, YHEC participants can get hands-on training in eight skill areas, giving them expertise in all methods of take and all types of game.”
Hannah Buxman was very pleased by the turnout of this year’s event sharing how many participants were those who did it last year, with many others coming this year who “had no idea what it was and were kind of nervous and ended up having the best time.”

This year featured eight events; Archery, Shotgun, Muzzleloader, Orienteering, Wildlife Identification, Hunter Responsibility Trail, and Hunter Safety Exam. Ages were broken up into three groups; Junior, Intermediate, and Senior.
Buxman shared how several kids were nervous about the muzzle-loading, but ended up loving it. One of those kids ended up taking third place in their age group.
Buxman shared how she grew up attending her local YHEC and says,“So many kids have learned, and are growing. It’s been cool seeing both sides of it.”
She praised all of the volunteers and those who sponsored the event to make it happen. Without the help of so many, it would not have been such a sucess for the past two years.
The YHEC of Star Valley continues to grow and they are excited to continue this event for many years to come.
If you would like to learn more, you can go to Facebook- Star Valley Wyoming YHEC, visit their website at starvalleywyomingyhec.godaddysites.com, or contact: Nic Buxman 307-248-1362 or Hannah Buxman 307-248-3006.