The Bridger-Teton National Forest reminds visitors that winter wildlife restrictions remain in effect until May 1, 2024. It is important that all forest users understand the importance of observing critical winter range closures.
Winter travel maps are available on the forest’s Maps and Publications webpage. These areas have been designated as essential to the survival of wildlife. When visitors access closed winter range, they cause animals using the area to become stressed or flee to new locations.
This causes animals, especially ungulates like deer, elk and moose to use energy they cannot spare at this critical time of year. It can also place these animals in less suitable areas for grazing and/or browsing, preventing them from gathering the food sources necessary for their survival.
This leads to a weakened condition, which can have a direct effect on the animals’ ability to defend themselves, making them more susceptible to predation and disease, and can lead to future reproduction problems in individual animals.