Star Valley gymnasts are state champions. Competing recently at the 2024 Wyoming State Championships, athletes from Star Gymnastics won the state title by nearly three points — a large margin in that sport.
With that victory, the platinum team from the gym just outside Thayne will compete in the Region 3 Regional Championships in Fort Worth, Texas, on April 26-28. Also qualifying for regionals was Star’s gold team, which will compete in Aurora, Colorado, on May 3-5.
“We competed against 10 other teams from all around the state — Cheyenne, Laramie, Casper, Riverton and more,” said Coach Maurie Erickson, speaking of the meet held March 23 in Lander. “This meet is a qualifier for the regional meet for the gold and platinum levels. They have to score a 34 all-around to qualify to attend the [regional championships]. All of our gymnasts on the gold and platinum teams achieved this.

“These girls work year-round,” Coach Erickson, who also owns Star Gymnastics, added. “We don’t have an offseason.”

Gymnasts from Star Gymnastics competed in various competitions throughout the past year in Wyoming, Utah and Idaho. “During the regular season, they have to score a 30 all-around to qualify to go to state,” the coach related, explaining that Star’s platinum, gold, silver and bronze teams all competed at the state level this year.
At the 2024 state meet — where the platinum team repeated as state champions — several Star gymnastics achieved individual placings and victories. For the platinum team, Katelynn Gaughan won first on the beam and finished second in the all-around. Harbor Winder placed third on every event and in the all-around. Casey Beeson placed second on vault, and Saylor Herd placed third on floor. (Two team members, Dylan Kallgren and Ady Christiansen, were unable to compete at state but contributed to their team’s success during the regular season.)
The girls’ gold team had their best meet of the season, finishing fourth. Laila Mosgeller placed second on vault, third on bars, third on beam and second in all-around. Ella Occhi placed third on vault. Ayvree Lewis finished second on bars, while Scarlet Tipton placed second on beam.
For the silver team, two athletes earned state titles. Ivory Weber won first on beam, while Lucy Hirschi won first on vault and third on both beam and all-around. Kanzi Bolinder finished third on vault, beam and all-around.
Placing for the bronze team was Kambri Trauntvein, with second on vault, Kami Bolinder third and second on floor and all-around, respectively; and Addy Brog placed third in all-around.

Star Gymnastics, located two miles south of Thayne, one mile off Highway 89 on Strawberry Road, offers competitive teams for girls and boys ranging in age from 7 to 17 years old. Star Gymnastics boys teams competed at state on March 9, with several boys headed to regionals. Competitive teams include bronze, silver, gold and platinum levels, according to ability and experience. Coaches for Star Gymnastics competitive girls’ teams were Maurie Erickson, Shelbi Draney, Kim Winder, Taryn Klindt and Layne Robinson.
See for more information on teams and non-competitive classes.