• Fundraiser held with 307 Dance Productions for Libertas International.
Miss Wyoming Adelaide Roberts of Star Valley teamed up with 307 Dance Productions Friday night in Alpine to host a fund raising event for Libertas International.
Libertas International assists survivors of human trafficking in Latin America.

“We have partnered with 307 Productions and we are raising money for Libertas International, a Wyoming Foundation,” said Miss Wyoming. “The president is from Afton Wyoming. Tyler Schwab is the president.”
She explained that working with Libertas, “We have a list of girls for sponsorship, at $275 each. Each have different needs, such as clothing, sewing machines, and diapers. There’s a lot of opportunity to help.”
Roberts added, “Through different social media platforms, and at the Libertas site, there are opportunities to donate. “
Roberts and her family will be going to Colombia for followup work with Libertas. They will be paying their own way.
“It’s been my whole purpose as Miss Wyoming, to help people who have been human trafficked,” Roberts emphasized. “I have been involved with Libertas International for almost 10 years. The title has helped with getting sponsorship, it’s my foot in the door.”
Roberts’ original interest in helping came with a volunteer mission she served for her church.
“It really all began when I went on a mission for the [Latter-day Saint] Church. I saw human trafficking all over my mission. I served in California San Jose,” she explained. “There was one moment I saw a boy in this situation, we turned the car around, but he was gone and I had this terrible feeling. I have nightmares about that feeling and never want to feel that again. I have to do something. Being Miss Wyoming is how I can do something.”
She continued, “Focusing on Libertas, their whole mission is to promote interventions and restoration. I focus on restoration, all these sponsorships are going for aftercare.”
“These situations where an individual has been human trafficked and they have been rescued out of a situation, but they need to continue to progress.
“We try to get them to a trade school, some of them are going to college so they make an income and go back to a normal life and be normal kids again. That’s our whole purpose.”
Roberts concluded, “It is a sacrifice. Every time we talk about human trafficking it’s a sacrifice of innocence. We just ask that you be brave just like these girls. They are brave too.”