The theme for this year’s annual Veterans Fair is “Circles of Healing, Service, and Growth”. The entire day is dedicated to supporting veterans and their families with resources for health, career, connection, suicide prevention, and more, along with family fun including tank demonstrations and rides in military vehicles. Admission to the fair is free for all.
The program kicks off at 8:00 a.m. with a Native American cultural performance by the Big Wind Singers and a flag-raising ceremony.
Distinguished speakers include Governor Mark Gordon, General Henry Huntley from the US Department of Veterans Affairs, Julie Elledge, founder of the nationally recognized “Veterans Talking to Veterans” suicide prevention program, and other national experts focused on helping veterans and their families.
See the detailed schedule of events on our website at nmmv.org/vttv or facebook.com/NMMVWY.
The Veterans Fair is sponsored by the Wyoming Veterans Commission, Mentor Agility, and the National Museum of Military Vehicles.