• Third annual event deemed another success
In an “unprecedented” vote, there was a tie for the winner of the third annual Dancing with the Star Valley Stars event held Saturday, April 27 at the Afton Ford Theatre. After dancing performances from six local stars, which were all learned in just two hours, the audience vote deemed both Mike Merritt and Amanda Peterson as co-winners of the event.
Merritt (WHP Officer) and Peterson (Star Valley Health Nurse) were joined on stage with Rebecca Shanks (Mrs. Wyoming), Stacey Titensor (Hidden Oasis Spa & Wellness), Eric Green (Alpine Mayor) and Michael Butler (Afton Town Council). Each of the local stars rehearsed and danced with professional dancers in the competition.
The professional dancers, Justin McClendon and Jeravae Christensen from Arthur Murray Dance Centers, also performed several dance numbers in addition to the routines performed with the local stars. The night also included musical performances from local singers including Clarissa and Lydia Arbizu, Daniel Lechner, Ali Jack and violin solo by James Arbizu.
“Dancing with the Star Valley Stars at the Ford Theatre was awesome!’ stated McClendon. These six dancers learned a whole routine in two hours, and performed on stage in costume. Congrats to all the contestants and organizers. So proud of everyone!”
“We had another round of excellent contestants,” said James Arbizu, President of the Board of Directors of the Salt River Arts Society and event organizer. “The professional dancers were phenomenal. The vocal performances were awesome. We couldn’t have asked for a better show.”
A full photo gallery of the event can be found online at SVInews.com. All upcoming events at the Afton Ford Theatre can be found at SaltRiverArts.com.