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Wyoming Health Dept. says state is getting good share of vaccine

JACKSON (WNE) — The Wyoming Department of Health disagrees with St. John’s Health CEO Dr. Paul Beaupre’s assessment that the state isn’t receiving its rightful share of COVID-19 vaccines.

“At this time, we do not feel it is an accurate assessment to say Wyoming is not getting its fair share,” Health Department spokeswoman Kim Deti wrote in an email.

Beaupre raised the concern during Friday’s community update livestreamed from Town Hall. He based his concern on Wyoming being slated for 45,000 doses while the federal government has purchased 200 million doses.

Deti said those two numbers don’t capture the full picture.

For example, the 45,000 doses likely only include what the state has received and expects to receive for first doses through January while the 200 million may be what the federal government has purchased through June.

“We will continue to receive new allocations for first doses and subsequent second doses past January,” she said.

What’s more, there are vaccines designated for Wyoming that have not been included in the numbers posted so far. Those include doses for a federal pharmacy program to vaccinate people at long-term care facilities and shipments headed directly to tribes, veterans and the F.E. Warren Air Force Base, she said.

Also, the vaccines have not been authorized for children so population-based calculations need to factor in how many people are old enough to receive it.

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