In area news, Kemmerer Jr/Sr. High will be hosting Parent Teacher Conferences Thursday Nov. 2 from 4 pm to 8 p.m. and Friday Nov. 3 from 8 a.m. -12 Noon. Please sign in at the front table and pick up your student’s progress reports. Then go to the auxillary gym and meet with teachers.
Teachers have been asked to shorten individual conferences to keep the wait time down for all parents. If parents still need additional time with certain teachers, please schedule a meeting with them for a later date. Students in grades 9-12 will receive 5 points for their grade in the Clash of the Classes competition, if their parents attend PTC. A separate survey link will be sent out as well. Please fill out the five-question parent survey.
This information will be used by the Building Leadership Team to assist them in making decisions to improve KJSHS. And, LCSD No. 1 appreciates the support of students with these visits.