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Afton Town Council Meeting Recap

(Photo courtesy


• Road Master Plan among items discussed

At last week’s Afton Town Council meeting, several important topics were addressed, starting with a public hearing on the town’s Roads Master Plan. Mayor Jensen emphasized that while the plan outlines potential expansions, it serves more as a guiding document rather than a definitive commitment. Plans to publish and distribute the document to the council were confirmed.

Josh Peavler, Utilities Director, reported recent issues with leaks in the Aviat’s system’s private line, with repairs set to commence immediately. He also highlighted the successful completion of improvements to Afton’s North System, expressing gratitude for the tools and funding that made the project possible.

The council discussed snow removal strategies with Peavler, particularly the high costs associated with renting equipment. A proposal was made to purchase a skid steer, snowblower, and tracks for $60,000, along with a second proposal for a track hoe at the same cost. Notably, the council recognized the commitment involved in clearing Afton’s 389 fire hydrants—an endeavor that took three days last winter. The proposal for the skid steer was approved.

Concerns about road safety and maintenance in Swift Creek Canyon were raised, leading to a scheduled work session on October 22 to explore the town’s responsibilities with the Forest Service.

In an exciting development, Silver Star Communications presented their SmartTown initiative, aiming to enhance WiFi access in Afton’s downtown area. Silver Star will fund the initial phase, with the town potentially taking over maintenance in the future. This initiative promises improved connectivity for Afton, set to begin implementation before the Parade of Lights.

Lastly, the Afton Main Street Alliance celebrated the success of the recent Meat, Malts, and Music Event, noting increased revenue for local businesses and attracting visitors from the Jackson area. Plans to host the event annually on the first Saturday of October were also announced.

Additionally, the council approved the high school’s request to change the colors of the star for homecoming.

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