Janet Erickson enjoys writing to a fault. Once she starts, she can’t stop. Raised by a high school English/Journalism teacher father and a music/theater enthusiast mother, she determined by age 16 that she wanted to be a professional journalist and a hobby musician. University training took her the opposite direction, however, and she ended up focusing on music with her degree. Janet holds a Bachelor of Arts in Music Education from BYU, Provo where she studied vocal and choral education and performance. She studied Choral Conducting and Arranging with Dr. Mack Wilberg (Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square) as well as Children’s Music with international authority Dr. Jerry Jaccard. Janet is a Certified Kodály Music Educator and has taught private voice and children’s music lessons for 25 years. She is a current board member with the Star Valley Arts Council, and has served as a committee member and a clinician for many local festivals and music camps. Janet has been involved in nearly 25 high school, community and university level musical theater productions in various capacities, including directing, and speaks fluent Italian. She returned to journalism only recently and has found a wonderful home at SVI Media. She and her husband have seven children and run a small ranch in Bedford, WY.