◆ Fire destroys home, burns nearby forest.
Alpine Fire Chief Michael Vogt concluded his follow-up operations at a house fire on Upper Stewart Creek Drive Monday night at 5:30. Fire destroyed the home Sunday, morning Oct. 18. “Personnel have to remain on the scene for a chain of custody during the investigation,” Chief Vogt explained.
The original call for “a fully involved structure fire” came into the Lincoln County Communications Center at 9:33 a.m. Sunday.
An Alpine Fire Department member living in the area was first to respond and quickly noted an address correction to assist emergency response personnel from Alpine and Thayne traveling to the location.
Alpine immediately directed three engines to the site and Thayne arrived with an additional two engines and a water tender.
“The home was consumed in flames and after the report from the owner that no one was inside, the first objective was to prevent a major forest fire,” reported Chief Vogt. “Thayne secured the south side of the home and Alpine the north. Fire had advanced approximately 75-feet into the trees and was extinguished.”
With no water nearby, firefighters used their existing trucks, while developing a nearby water resource to protect the perimeter and stop the fire from spreading deeper into the forest.
“A drop tank was used at the road to provide a filling apparatus and we shuttled water from hydrants in the Nordic Ranch Subdivision,” said Vogt.
As the fire subsided, the Thayne Fire Department was released to go back into regular service and be available for other calls.
The Alpine Fire remained at scene to watch for flare ups and to maintain oversight until representatives from the State Fire Marshall’s Office arrived.
Cause of the fire is undetermined at this point. With the exception of a small tractor and ATV that were saved from a garage, the home is considered a total loss, Chief Vogt reported.
Responding to social media concerns, the fire chief reminds the public the department is a volunteer organization He said, “They must respond from their homes, church, work and other locations, before picking up their gear and equipment and traveling to the scene.”
Bridger-Teton Personnel have responded to the site to review the fire on national forest land.
Cheif Vogt expressed appreciation to the Thayne Fire Department for their assistance and the continued support between the two agencies.