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Janet Erickson

Some families opt for online education

For a decade now, families in Wyoming with school-age children have had online options for education. Wyoming Connections Academy (WYCA), Wyoming Virtual Academy (WYVA) and Acellus Academy are online public schools provided to Wyoming residents as an option for schooling…

LSCD2 announces changes to Veteran’s Day Tributes for 2019

Veteran’s Day tributes and celebrations will have a new face at Lincoln County School District No. 2 in 2019. District Officials will host Veterans for a luncheon at the district office building on Monday, November 11 at 11:45 a.m. Programs…

2019 SVHS Homecoming week schedule features some changes

◆ Changes made in hopes of making the festivities a school-wide event. Star Valley High School’s Homecoming festivities will feature some changes this year. The Homecoming Parade will take place at 6 p.m. on Thursday, October 3, followed immediately by…

Cokeville High School cuts the ribbon on a new welding lab

Cokeville High School cut the ribbon on a brand-new, state of the art welding lab on September 23, 2019. CHS had been chosen out of thousands of schools across the nation to partner in the Airgas High School Education Initiative….

LCSD#2 Upcoming Calendar of Events

Here’s a look at what’s happening in the district in the coming weeks. • Cokeville Elementary Cokeville Elementary School will follow its regular schedule this week. • Thayne Elementary Parents, please be aware that classes start at 7:50 a.m. Children…

Swift Creek High School enrollment numbers tally 50 students this year

Swift Creek High School has welcomed 28 brand new students for the 2019-2020 school year. With 22 returning students, that brings school enrollment to 50 students. Most new students are Sophomores, but several are Juniors and Seniors as well. Staff…

Marching Braves will begin their 2019-2020 season with Band Camp

Janet Erickson, SVI Media Star Valley High School Marching Braves will begin their 2019-2020 season with the SVHS Band Camp taking place August 12 through August 15 in the SVHS band room and on the SVHS football field. All band…

Livestock shows highlight week leading up to Buyers Breakfast and Stock Auction

• Stock auction and sale is Saturday, August 10. Janet Erickson, SVI Media FFA and 4-H youth large livestock shows are happening this week as part of the Lincoln County Fair. Animals arrived at the fairgrounds on Tuesday for weigh-ins…

Swift Idol Judges: Meet E.J. Pauni

E.J. Pauni’s pure and clear tenor tone garnered him the Swift Idol title in 2018. He has loved and excelled at singing since he was a young child. Influence from family members gave him motivation and opportunities to grow and…

Swift Idol Judges: Meet Alex Boye’

Alex Boyé is a multicultural artist of Nigerian descent who was raised in London and now lives in the Unites States. His blend of African-infused pop music and dynamic visuals have garnered almost 1 Billion views on his YouTube channel….