• The non-profit offers pregnancy support
By Janet Erickson/Aubrey Taylor
SVI Media
Azar House, in Etna, is hosting their Sixth Annual Fundraiser Banquet and Silent Auction this Friday evening, April 5, at 6 p.m. in the Thayne Community Center, with the silent auction opening at 5 p.m. The event is free to attend.
Relying on donations of the community, Azar House offers education and assistance for women and men who need support with pregnancy or pregnancy loss. They help obtain free pregnancy testing and ultrasounds, as well as education about pregnancy signs and symptoms. Every person who reaches out to Azar House is given education and support. All client support is confidential.
Azar House also offers prenatal and parenting classes, post-abortion support, pregnancy loss support, resources and information about earning an income while attending school, support tailored especially for men, healthy relationship education, community referrals for employment and education and a nursing chat line available 24/7.
According to friendsofazarhouse.org, the organization has assisted 378 clients since 2017, providing over 1200 baby boutique items, 90 ultrasounds, and supporting through the birth of 17 babies. It states, “Azar House Pregnancy Resource Center is a Christ-centered ministry that desires to come alongside women and men facing pregnancy decisions and to empower them to choose life for their unborn child.”
This year’s fundraiser offers dinner, a silent auction and a special program celebrating life. Sarah Collins, Executive Director of Azar House, shared that auction items include many donations from local businesses and restaurants for men and women. Money raised will go to Azar House to help further their mission to help men and women “facing pregnancy decisions and to empower them to choose life for their unborn child.”
To register for the event, visit friendsofazarhouse.org under the events tab. For more information about Azar House, visit azarhousesv.org. To volunteer or donate to the fundraiser, or to enlist support from Azar house for your pregnancy, call or text 307-880-2927.