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Barrasso, Lummis introduce bills to safeguard Second Amendment rights

CHEYENNE  (WNE) — Citing their commitment to defending the Second Amendment rights of Wyoming residents, U.S. Sens. John Barrasso and Cynthia Lummis, both R-Wyo., joined their colleagues in introducing three bills on Wednesday: the Stop Harassing Owners of Rifles Today (SHORT) Act, the Constitutional Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act, and a Congressional Review Act resolution to fight back against the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives’ recently announced federal registry for firearms with stabilizing braces.

“Every day, people across Wyoming responsibly use their Second Amendment rights to keep and bear arms. President Biden’s unconstitutional rule threatens to turn law-abiding citizens into criminals,” Barrasso said in a news release. “We must stop the administration from imposing the largest government-initiated gun registration and confiscation program in history.”

“People in Wyoming responsibly wield firearms to protect and provide for their families, and they should be allowed to continue to do so,” Lummis added. “This suite of bills pushes back on the far-left’s attempts to chip away at our Second Amendment rights, and I’m proud to join Senator Barrasso in continuing our efforts to ensure responsible Wyoming gun owners are protected.”

The Congressional Review Act would push back on the recently released ATF rule increasing requirements for the use of pistol braces.

Likewise, the SHORT Act rolls back a new ATF rule that bars Americans with disabilities from using pistol braces. With this announcement, the ATF will now classify short-barreled AR rifles and similar firearms as pistols.

AR-style firearms are used by roughly 60% of hunters and remain among the most popular firearm in Wyoming.

The Constitutional Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act would allow law-abiding gun owners with concealed carry permits in their own states to continue to lawfully carry their weapons in other states with concealed carry laws.

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