The Kemmerer Field Office of the BLM is seeking public comment on a proposed carbon dioxide disposal well and pipeline.
This project proposal is associated with the Exxon Mobile Corporation’s LaBarge Carbon Capture Phase 1 project.
If approved, a CO2 pipeline would extend from “the Shute Creek Plant to a well for permanent disposal of excess carbon dioxide in liquid form to a depth of approximately 18,000 feet.”
The estimated disposal volume per day is calculated to be 60 million square feet.
According to the BLM, the proposed well pad and access is located at Section 2, Township 22 North, Range 113 West.
“It would be approximately 7.5 acres during construction, reduced to about 2 acres during the life of the well,” said Nikki Maxwell, public affairs specialist with the High Desert District of the BLM. “The proposed pipeline would be around 9.1 miles long, with an alternative pipeline route length of 10.1 miles.”
According tot he project proposal, access to the well pad would “use existing roads.”
“Ancillary facilities proposed for federal surface include a 32’ by 68’meter building at the well location and a valve site within the pipeline right-of-way,” Maxwell said.
According to the BLM, an Environmental Assessment (EA) is planned for the project.
The official two-week public scoping period on the project is now underway and will continue through Monday, April 6.
Comments about the proposed project can be emailed to: blm_wy_kemmerer_wymail@blm.gov; or mailed to: BLM Kemmerer Field Office; Attn: Kaisa McKenna, Project Lead; 430 North Highway 189; Kemmerer, Wyo. 83101.
For more information, contact Kaisa Mckenna, (307) 828-4500.