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TEXT-IN TOPIC RESPONSES: Should local school districts completely block cell phone use during school?

Cell phone use in schools has become more and more common by teenagers and even younger.  And with the emergence of smart phones, some feel the devices have become to distinctive to facilitate a positive learning environment.

The Pinedale Roundup recently posted an article examining the use of cell phones in Sublette County School District No. 1 and the district’s consideration to completely block cell phone us in the schools.

The district is considering “a partnership with Yondr, a company that creates phone-free learning environments for schools.”  Yondr would provide each student with a cell phone pouch the students would place their phones in when they get to school.

“The pouch locks and the students keep their pouch with them.  Students maintain possession of their cellphones throughout the day , but they will not be able to use the until they are unlocked at the end of the day,” reads the article by the Pinedale Roundup.

During the Text-In Topic Wednesday morning on SVI Radio, Duke & Dahl asked listeners if they felt that local school districts should block cell phone use completely during school, or if the step was to much or unnecessary.

Here are the listeners responses.

In Favor of a cell phone ban

“Yes I think the schools district should put a thing on cell phones.  Kids text answers for tests back and forth.”

“Yes.  Ban phones.  They are extremely disrupting and distracting.”

“DO IT!  Cell phones are a huge issue & distraction.  So many parents are texting their kids during class as well as friends.”

“Turn the phones off!!  It will reduce the anxiety of students.”

“Yes I love it.”

“Would some sort of phone scrambler in the school systems be more cost-effective than buying hundreds of these pouches?  Phones are a distraction and should be regulated either by parents or if needed by the schools.”

Not In Favor of a cell phone ban

“A school district’s function is not to control our students but to educate our students. I think a school should still be able to teach and educate students even if they have cell phones. Of course may be some consequences need to be imposed on students who use their cell phone during class but it ultimately lands on the student shoulders. If they’re unable to learn and keep their grades up due to their cell phones it’s their own fault.”

“I say nay.  Every phone in that school is a way to communicate in the event of an emergency.”

“Something to consider is that these students will soon be in college and working, who will be babysitting their phones then? They need to learn self control and they can’t learn that when the school locks up their phones. I believe there should be consequences for using them when not allowed, but let’s teach kids some practical skills along with math formulas and spelling.  On a side note, I have 2 high school students who say their teachers use their phones in class too!”

“Policy should be if using a phone in class, teacher takes the phone and gives it back at end of class. Also student looses 5% off grade.  A teacher cannot just let a student be on the phone and not learn.  Teachers are held responsible for student learning especially in this district.”

“It’s just like gun control.  Won’t work.”

Let us know what you think!
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