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TEXT-IN RESPONSES: Driving Pet Peeves

Tuesday morning during the Weekday Wake-up on Swift 98 and The Spur, Duke & Dahl asked listeners what some of their pet peeves are when it comes to other drivers on the road.  Many listeners responded with what annoyed them most from other drivers.

By the tone of these texts, it may be in your best interest to avoid these actions!

Here are their responses.

“The limit is 65 someone goes under them you go around them but you have to go 85 in order to pass them because they spend up so you can’t.”

“Tailgating I am going to get me a bumper sticker that says beware driver chewing tobacco.”

“People who don’t do them their brights until the last minute.”

“People who stay in the fast lane of the interstate instead of just using it to pass!!!!! Get over!!!!!!”

“People who can’t choose a speed and will go fast then slow…pick a speed and live with it!”

“Those from a foreign country that don’t know or follow our laws. They need to get a US license.”

“My driving pet peeve is getting behind a slow poke driver and not having a good place to pass for almost the entire length of the Valley.”

“People who don’t dim there bright lights coming towards you or behind you.”

“People that don’t pull over and stop when they see emergency vehicles with their lights on.”

“My pet peeve is when kids are being dropped off at Afton Elementary in the drop off lane and they sit there for five minutes and say goodbyes holding up like 10 vehicles say your goodbyes at home people or pull in a parking spot.”

“Driving 45 or 50 in the 65 zone.”

“Trucks with trailers that take up multiple spots in a business parking lot.”

“Drivers that speed around you get in front of you then slam on their brakes & turn off the road with out a turn signal !!! Also drivers who NEVER use a turn signal any time, those who don’t obey the speed limit!!”

“Parking in the DROP OFF LANE at the schools! If you’re gonna walk you kid in- you need to park in the parking lot.”

“Texters! Get off your dang phone and drive! Oh, and Utah drivers.”

“One of my driving pet peeves is when people follow too close… Especially at night!”

“My pet peeve is when someone pulls out in front of you causing you to slam on your breaks, then they don’t even go the speed limit.  Also am I the only person that gets bothered by people driving through star valley going 45-55 mph? If your going under the speed limit and have a line of cars behind you, GET OUT OF THE WAY!”

“I love when there isn’t a car behind me for 3,000 miles, but the car pulling onto the highway would rather pull out ten feet in front of me than wait five more seconds to let me pass. It’s like, you have an open highway from here to the east coast, but you’re in such a hurry you have to make me slam in my breaks?”

“How bout activating turn signal after starting the turn…. Nooo can’t give a little warning, Heaven forbid….”

“Driving forever in the left lane.”

“Not going the speed limit!!”


Let us know what you think!
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