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TEXT-IN RESPONSES: Should marijuana be legalized in Wyoming?

The University of Wyoming recently released results from a poll that show nearly half of Wyoming residents are in favor of legalizing recreational use marijuana.  The same poll shows that 70% of state residents feel that medical marijuana should be legalized.

Duke & Dahl asked listeners in western and southwestern Wyoming the same question Thursday as part of the Text-in Topic during the Weekday Wake-up.  (The Weekday Wake-up can be heard Monday-Friday from 7 am to 9 am in Star Valley, Cokeville, Kemmerer, Bridger Valley and even Evanston on Swift 98.7 FM and The Spur 105.2 FM)

Below are the listeners responses.  More discussion and reaction to the poll results can be found from dozens of additional comments made on the Star Valley Independent Facebook page, where the story was originally shared by SVI News.

In Favor of Legalizing Recreational and Medical

“They should legalize it. The DUI laws already cover MJ and any other drugs and alcohol. Have similar controls like alcohol including tax revenue.”

“I don’t see how alcohol and tobacco can be considered just fine to use and even use to excess and marijuana is not. This is not heroin or cocaine. Drunk driving is a thousand-times more dangerous and it continues to be rampant.”

In Favor of Legalizing for Medical Only

“They should legalize medical marijuana there are tests being done that say that marijuana is actually very good for your body when used medically I have a family member that could benefit very much from medical marijuana being legalized in the state of Wyoming because the medication that he’s on has awful side effects. So yes there are medications that you can use instead of marijuana but those medications actually make peoples lives a little bit worse sometimes.”

“Medical not recreational in Wyoming.”

“I am wondering who they poled. I am in favor of marijuana for medicinal purposes under a doctor’s care. I am not in favor of recreational use ever.”

“Yes for medicinal purposes no for recreational.”

“I think medicinal would be ok if it helped a person feel better as long as it wasn’t over used. Recreational should not be ok, because I would loose my job if I were to do it. So if people who have a job can’t do it, then you shouldn’t be able to if you don’t have a job. Also you should get drug tested if you are on government help of any kind, and If you are using, you shouldn’t qualify for it.”

“Medical is worth looking into. Recreational NO.”

“I was hoping you’d ask this question. First, I’m a little skeptical about the poll. This morning, KIFI reported the number polled was 607 people. That’s not very representative of the state. Second, I dont want recreational marijuana. The incidents of impaired driving has shot up in the States where it is legal. But I’m ok with medicinal products.”

Appose both Medical and Recreational Legalization

“No go to California if you want pot.”

“No to both! Everything medical marijuana does can be done by something else, and there are terrible things that come from alcohol misuse but legalization of marijuana just adds to the problem.”

“No legalization. It’s ridicules to say that it would not lead to other negative behaviors. Knowing the University of Wyoming and their surveys, the results could be very misleading. With 607 total people surveyed, who was to say that they didn’t just target young people with very little knowledge of the harmful effects. 607 people in all counties combined, does not represent Wyoming.”

“I follow the news in neighboring states & since legalization of marijuana in those states, vehicle deaths have risen( traced to marijuana) That means that not only are those users in jeopardy of accidents but so are you & I.”

“Why should we follow Colorado and California? Wasn’t Wyoming founded and ran differently than those them? I say if you fee the need to use marijuana you’re more than welcome to go to where it’s legal.”

“Absolutely should not be legal in any way it will do more harm than it could ever do good.”

“No way it is a bad drug it is sometimes good for medicinal but not for recreation and i doubt all the people that voted (and that voted in the other states need It for medicinal purposes).”

Let us know what you think!
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