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Judge Zebre set to retire

This week Wyoming Supreme Court Chief Justice Michael K. Davis, who acts as Chairman of the Judicial Nominating Commission, announced that Circuit Court Judge Frank J. Zebre, Third Judicial District, will be retiring effective May 1, 2019.

“I was appointed by Governor Herschler on July 1, 1984,” said Judge Zebre of how long he had been serving on the Circuit Court Bench. “So that’s been 35 years ago.”

By his own admission Judge Zebre took the somewhat untraditional road into law. He graduated from Kemmerer High School in 1973 and headed for the University of Wyoming, completing a degree in Accounting.

“I had a cousin who was going to take the law school admission exam so I decided that I would take it too,” he said. “I was accepted into the program. I really had no preconceived notion of being an attorney or a judge.”

Once his legal studies were completed, Zebre accepted a position as Deputy County Attorney and worked with the late Dennis Sanderson.

“I never really thought I would be back to Kemmerer,” he said. “It worked out that way. It’s been a good job. It is an honor and a privilege to serve the people of Lincoln County. There are times when it has been a very difficult job and times when it has been very rewarding. Even though a Circuit Court Judge sees many of the same types of cases there is always some new twist to the situation or legal issue that keeps it challenging. There has always been a new opportunity to learn.”

“I am lucky to have done this in Lincoln County, Wyoming,” Zebre continued. “Here  we have a friendly and congenial legal community. We remain friends. We get along. There is rarely a time after a ruling where we cannot have a friendly conversation.”

“It has been good,” Zebre added. “I feel honored to have been entrusted with this for 35 years and I appreciate the people of Lincoln County for allowing me to serve for all these years.”

According to Judge Zebre, when his time on the Bench is done he plans to “spend some time enjoying the mountains and streams without the shackles of employment.”

For those interested in potentially serving in the Lincoln County Circuit Court, the Judicial Nominating Commission will accept expressions of interest from qualified persons to fill the vacancy through Friday, March 1, 2019.

Wyoming Governor Mark Gordon will appoint the new Third Judicial District Circuit Court Judge from a list of three names submitted to him by the Judicial Nominating Commission.

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