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4 of the Best DIY Household Cleaner Recipes

Store-bought cleaning supplies can be expensive. In addition, commercial cleaning companies often load them with chemicals since there is no legal requirement that they must research how their products might harm human health. As such, making your own cleaning supplies is a safer and more cost-effective option.

You can easily make your own chemical-free cleaning supplies using common household ingredients such as baking soda, distilled white vinegar, lemon juice, and essential oils. Here are 4 of the best DIY household cleaner recipes.

All-Purpose Cleaner

  • 1 cup distilled white vinegar
  • 1 cup of water
  • 1 lemon rind
  • Rosemary sprigs

You can use this all-in-one cleanser to clean almost anything—from countertops to bathtubs. The white vinegar helps eliminate grease and grime while also serving as a disinfectant. Plus, the lemon and rosemary give it a pleasant, clean scent.

Start by pouring all the ingredients into a spray bottle and then let them infuse for one week before using. The ingredients are likely to separate over time so be sure to shake well before using.

Deodorizing Toilet Scrub

  • ½ cup of baking soda
  • 10 drops of tea tree essential oil
  • ¼ cup of distilled white vinegar

Baking soda is known for its antiviral properties as well as its ability to deodorize, brighten, and clean, while tea tree essential oil conquers microbes and fungus. To use this powerful cleaning mixture, pour the ingredients directly into your toilet bowl. As they fizz, use a toilet scrubber to annihilate grime.

Glass Cleaner

  • 2 cups of water
  • ½ cup distilled white vinegar
  • ¼ cup rubbing alcohol
  • 1 to 2 drops of essential oil

Rubbing alcohol is a powerful disinfectant that will make your windows sparkle without leaving unattractive streaks. Add all the ingredients in a spray bottle and shake well. Spray the glass with the solution and let it sit for a moment as they dissolve the dirt and grease. Then polish it using a paper towel or cloth.

Water Ring Remover

  • One-part natural non-gel toothpaste
  • One-part baking soda

Accidental water rings on wooden surfaces can be unsightly. Eliminate them using a mixture of equal parts non-gel toothpaste and baking soda. Using a damp cloth, rub the mixture along the grain of the wood. Then wipe it off with a dry cloth and polish as usual.


Cleaning your home doesn’t have to expensive or dangerous. By using these DIY household cleaner recipes, you won’t have to worry about the chemicals or price tags that come with store-bought cleaners.

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